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 Lincoln once said at a rough time during the Civil War: “This is a time for heroes to live in!” We may not be heroes, but we can be more than bumps on logs. I’m sure we have all heard of the butterfly effect, how a butterfly beating its wings in the Amazon causes a typhoon in Asia. Every pebble in a river affects the flow of that river. No, we may not be heroes, but we can be Christians. Some Christians sit by the phone waiting for God to call them to some great Noah or Moses moment. Those moments seldom come. But life is full of little moments every day that Christians can be an influence for good. Over time I have learnt that I would never be of any use to God until I realised that He never intended me to be a great man. So in a world obsessed with superheroes, let us remember that this may not be a time for heroes to live in, but it is a time for Christians to stand up. Let us try to act like Christians and influence the tide of history in our time!