What’s in your bucket?

If your heart, mind, and character were represented as a bucket – what would
yours look like? Maybe you have a gift for singing, so that goes in the bucket.
You love dogs, so that goes in the bucket. You’re better at art than most and
proud of it, so that goes in the bucket. There are one or two people you would
be willing to die for, so in the bucket they go. You have a reputation as a
snappy dresser… that goes in the bucket. You are generous with charities, so
that goes in the bucket. And unless you have a hole in it, your bucket is soon

Then we come to Jesus. Our buckets are full. We say the right words and ask
Him to fill us. He stands there in front of us poised to impart His character and
the Holy Spirit. What is He waiting for?

“If we would learn of Christ, the soul must be emptied of all its proud
possessions, that Christ may imprint His image upon the soul” MCP 1:29.
Sounds simple, yet is difficult to do. Why? Because all those things in our
bucket we love and are proud of. What we may not realise is that when we
are filled with the nature of Christ, it will encompass all those good things or
replace them with something better. If we wish Christ to teach us the way of
Salvation, we must first be teachable – we cannot come as self-proclaimed
experts filtering what He says according to our ideals.

This week, before we pray and read our Bibles, let us humble ourselves, and
ask Him to make us teachable. Then sit at the feet of Jesus and fill your bucket
with the Water of Life.

“I want you to know all about Christ’s love, although it is too wonderful to be
measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is.” Eph. 3:19.

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