New to Epping?
If you are new to Epping SDA Church then this page will help answer some of your questions, if you can’t find what you are after then please let us know.
Where are we located?
Epping Church is at 2 George St, Epping, NSW 2121. Our nearest Train Station is Epping Station located about a 20 minute walk away. There is also a major bus interchange at this station.
What time does church start?
Epping Church Service starts at 11am on Saturday mornings.
Our bible study classes start at 10:00am. We have classes for:
- Adults
- Cradle roll
- Primary
- Juniors
- Teens
- Youth
What is the format of your service?
We have a relaxed worship style with a mix of contemporary and traditional music. Our worship band plays twice a month with more traditional keyboard/organ for the other weeks of the month. Sermon topics are relevant and cover areas that help us grow in our relationship with Jesus.
What are some of the regular activities?
We have a vegetarian potluck lunch in the church hall after service every week. Visitors are most welcome to join us for lunch.
There is normally an Adventurers/Patfinder meeting every second week as well as a band practice.
The youth have regular programs on Friday nights/Saturday nights
There is normally a monthly social (Games night, sports night, car rally)
We enjoy camping so there are usually camping weekends throughout the year.
How do I stay informed?
We have a weekly on-line newsletter to help keep everyone informed of what’s happening at Epping Church. Let us know if you are interested and we can add you to the list